Tabletop Champions Podcast Wikia
Welcome to the Tabletop Champions Podcast Wikia

Welcome to the unofficial official Tabletop Champions Wiki. The Wiki will be under constant construction as it is built and or updated. This wiki contains all the information one will need to keep up and or catch up with the podcast as of late.

Want to help? Everybody can start editing or adding articles! Check out our most wanted pages to get an idea where to start. If you need help, you are always welcome to ask an administrator or another active editor. The wikia Community Central also has some resources.

Meet the Players

The Tabletop Champions are 6 awesome people, 5 players and a dungeon-master who play Dungeons and dragons 5th edition. Sean, your Dungeon Master, heads the table on their hilarious and epic quests. With him play Kyle, Ben, Matt, Stephanie and Lauren. These fine individuals meet online on a weekly basis for the recording of the podcast.

The Worlds of the Champions

Irulan - a world terraformed and built by Sean
Naluri - a world terraformed by Sean and built by the fans


The world of Irulan is populated by thousands of non-player individuals or NPC's, however some have met the players and have become integral to their tale of triumph.
