Tabletop Champions Podcast Wikia


Paeris is a slender High-Elven cleric of Sehanine standing 5'10". He has long, silvery white hair, pulled back into a braid, and a stern, angular face.

Paeris is armed with a shield adorned with a crescent moon, scale mail in a leaf pattern, along with a dark blue cloak. He has a curved elven blade named Alph Mirovor (which translates to Swan Song in Tolkien Elvish) that has been passed down through the family since his grandfather stole it hundreds of years ago.

Paeris is proud and elitist.



Paeris has a sister, Valanth. She plays an important role in season one.

On the podcast[]

Special Items[]

  • Alph Mirovor: It's a sword Paeris has inherited from his grandfather.
  • Necklace of Prayers: The necklace allows Paeris to cast Wind Walk once per day. It was given to him after The Five saved the king of Irulan.
  • Whistles of Message: Once per day, the pair of whistles can be used to send a long distance message between two people holding the whistles.


When The Chosen Five meet Sehanine on the celestial plane in episode 013, she posits that her toll for sending the group back to Irulan is that one spirit must remain with her to serve her. Paeris takes this as an opportunity to devote himself to his deity forever.

Memorable Quotes[]

(Quote iconic lines from the show.)
